
Subscription Details

*6-week Bootcamp Basics (Group or 1:1) is a pre-requisite for Grow subscriptions.

Positive Intelligence is an operating system with many applications. In the Basics Bootcamp, you developed your 3 core mental muscles. In subsequent weeks, modules in the app now enable you to use those muscles for a variety of work and life applications. You continue to grow. Small Group Mastermind Discussions and 1:1 Coaching accelerate your growth to mastery.

Stress Management & Wellness

Discover how your stress is entirely generated by your specific Saboteurs. Learn personalized strategies to shift from Saboteur to Sage response to minimize stress.
Discover the neuroscience of your mind/body connection. Improve your sleep, diet, and exercise led by Sage strategies and protected from Saboteur interference.

Relationships & Conflict Management

Discover the 3/1 positive to negative ratio required in healthy relationships. Learn the powerful technique of Relationship Design to build and maintain healthy relationships.
Discover how your specific Saboteurs fuel your conflicts. Learn to apply all 5 Sage Powers to shift from conflict to win/win solutions even in the most challenging situations.

Parenting & Leadership

Intercept common Saboteur­ led parenting traps. Learn parenting strategies aimed at boosting your kids' foundational mental fitness, Self-Command, and Sage strength.
Challenge outmoded Saboteur-led assumptions about how to lead. Learn a leadership model that simultaneously brings out the best Sage qualities in yourself and others.

Creativity & Performance

Discover how your specific Saboteurs sabotage creativity in yourself and others. Learn how to activate and access the deep wisdom of the Sage brain during solo or group activities.
Every Saboteur sabotages performance. Develop a personalized performance plan using your Self-Command and Sage Powers for optimal productivity.


What Makes This Program Different?

Focus on Habit Formation

Most trainings result in short-lived improvements. For sustained results, the GEM program focuses on building neural pathways that form lasting new habits. I call this "mental moxie".

Develop all 3 Core Muscles 

Mental Moxie requires 3 core muscles. Saboteur Interceptor, Self-Command, and Sage Perspective. Meditation and Reflection only focus on Self-Command, which is why it is not sustained by most.

Treat Root Cause, not Symptoms

PQ factor analysis research has revealed the foundational root-level enablers and disablers of optimal performance and well-being. This program rewires the brain at the root cause level.

One Operating System, Many Applications

Through factor analysis, we've discovered the core operating system of the mind that can run a massive variety of work and life applications. One simple operating system, many applications.

A Platform for Ongoing Growth

Similar to physical fitness, mental fitness is not a short-term training. After the initial six-week Basic Bootcamp, the PQ app ensures continued growth through a variety of work and life applications with a Grow subscription.

Research-Based, Measurable Results

PQ research has included more than a million participants from around the globe. The tools have been field-tested with thousands of tough-minded participants, ensuring their efficacy.

Is this the right program for me?

This is the right program for you if you are a) committed to improving your performance and effectiveness dramatically while reducing stress, b) looking for a science-based and trusted system to make it stick, and c) willing to put in the initial effort to rewire years of mental habits that don't serve you.

Aren't negative emotions sometimes helpful?

Some people believe that negative emotions are helpful. For example, they think stress gives them their performance edge, or beating themselves or others up is helpful for continual improvement.

Feeling pain for a split second when your hand touches a hot stove is indeed useful, delivering an important alert. But your Saboteurs keep your hand on the hot stove, continuing to feel negative emotions that harm both performance and happiness.

In this program, we learn to use negative emotions as a helpful alert, and then quickly shift to the positive region of the brain that has the calm clarity, objectivity, and creativity to handle the challenge most effectively.

How much time and effort is required?

During the Bootcamp, you'd be committing to watching a 1-hour video once per week and doing a combined total of 15 minutes per day of practice guided by the Positive Intelligence app exclusively designed for this program.

This might sound like a lot of time. In fact, cumulatively, it constitutes less than 2% of your awake time for the duration of the program. Please consider that your Saboteurs are costing you far more than 2%of your time, effort, energy, and productivity. Consider how much more than 2%of time and productivity this six-week investment will save for years to come.